Thursday, September 22, 2016


Hello all~

My name is Alicia.

I have created many blogs in the past for various intents and purposes, but I decided I wanted to do one just for me. So that's why I'm here.

I guess you could say I am a wanderer, and I am lost most of the time. I have no idea what I am doing in life, but I do know that I like to try lots of things and I am pretty aimless these days. So I have titled this blog "Wanderlost."

You could say I live a rather unconventional life, and I have been labeled as a bohemian soul more often than once. I'm an artist and a writer, a mother and a wife, and I am completely and utterly unable to conform to life the way it is expected of me. But I'm still wandering through life anyways, and now I am going to start documenting my journey via this blog for no reason other than compulsion.

I'll document everything, from the crafts I do, to the places I go, and everything in between. This is my journal and I hope it will be helpful or enjoyable for some other kindred souls out there. Thank you for stopping by, if you are reading this, and I hope you have a wonderful day~


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